Friday, August 20, 2010

How to flirt with my crush that i MAJORLY like?!?

so there is this boy that i reallyyyyyy like and basically everything reminds me of him, I always get butterflies in my stomach just thinking about it, and that is like, why I love coming to school because he is 2 lockers down. He is in all of my classes (no joke) and he always is flirting and talking with me! he says like ';heyyyy what's up? how's your day been?'; and stuff, normally i just say ';nothingggg'; and stuff, but I really want to come off as flirty! Can you guys tell me like, what to say when he says that? please don't say that im acting stupid cause i don't know how to answer that question! I do, i just get nervous! I want it to be in a flirty way but not like, nasty.

p.s. I'm good at flirting with other guys, just not my crush cause i get so nervous!!How to flirt with my crush that i MAJORLY like?!?
Be honest,

or take my advice

My Advice:

Tell him, your day has sucked because of the ammount of homework you have.

That your locker just will not open (that will get him to come closer to you to try to help)

Go through your bag to try to find a pencil and then get frustrated cuz you realise you dont have one (do that in class- cuz then you have something of his and can use it as an excuse later to talk to him)

Oh, and smile whenever your around him, not like huge-***-wide-smile, but like a small smile as though you know something he doesnt

go get him!How to flirt with my crush that i MAJORLY like?!?
Be like..

:O your gonna live a hundred years [if people in your school use this theory] and hell probably be like why?

and be like i was just thinking about you ! =P

LOL people in my school would understand not sure about you

orr you when he asks whats up be like ';nothing, i was just thinking about you'; and then wink ;)

%26lt;3, good luck!
Talk to him alot

Touch him a little

Hug him when you see him in the morning and when his about to go home

Tease him a little

Always try to get close to him
Crab him bring him in the bathroom and bang the sh^%26amp; out of him
Let him chase you don't flirt it's a turnoff!
tell him that the day wasnt so good but now that you have seen him it

just loose your nervous.
awwweh tahts so cute :D

just be YOURSELF ! just talk like you would with any other person , !

hope things work out for you %26lt;3
yeah when he asks that question asks him how his day went tell him how you fell trust me he will understand
bat your eyes at him smila at him say i think your hot
grab his hose
walk be him twirling ur hair and playing with ur hair...hope i helped!
have fun and smile and make eye contact a lot

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