Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Is there some way you can chage your school reputation by high school?

Yeah this is gonna be a long stoory but if youve got the time please read it to understand. if you dont just go to the last paragraph! ok here it goes:

Right now i am in 6th grade. (dont talk about how i shouldnt care i mean seriously thats just stupid.) i dont really care right now about it. in 3rd grade, onr of the most popular guys in scool and me were kinda friends. one stupid day, stupid me being stupid stupidly did a really stupid thing. then scince he was so popular, the whole world knew because he told everyone. that didnt do much. then in 4th grade we had a social studies test and i got an F. (yeah i was very careless and dumb.) so theres my smart reputation, even thought now im straight a's and b's.

i have really curly hair. in those young grades, i let it flop out and i didnt even brush it. it looked horrible. i also let my mom pick out my glasses which of course were harry potter glasses. so i looked pretty weird. i have a really big nose too. people would always call me ugly. (lol my aunt told me to smack them) i started to straighten my hair and get better taste in clothes and glasses in the middle of 5th grade to now.

personality-yeah i told reeeeeeeeeeeeeeally dumb jokes...i was really weird, and my parents thought it was cute so id say them at school. people still think im like that.

so im pretty much like a dork. not a geeky nerd thing, and not a fru-fru princess girl, not a jock, not anything. just a normal kid that everyone gossips about and doesnt like even before they met me.

i do have lots of friends. they all have to be girls though because all of the guys seriously have something against me. just because that popular kid back then is the top of the school now, and if your seen with me, you cant be cool.

its not the guys that are afraid of girls, i have a lot of friends and all the guys flirt with them....right in front of my face. not like im expecting anything but hello IM as in ME the stupid kid is hanging out with your little crush here, and if you do date her, youll have to be at all these parties and stuff, with ME. and most guys think that. a lot of them would just ask me where one of my friends were or not gonna be all jealous of my friends i feel good for them that people like them. im not trying to be selfish, but i dont wanna grow up being that girl with nobody. its not the only thing on my mind, but, im looking at the future.

is there someway i can turn peoples minds around to get them to like me? is there a way to get me to be someone everyone wants to sit with at lunch? all that? i am good at cheerleading....but that doesnt feel right using cheerleading as a popularity boost. next year is middle school, we got our first dance, and ill be the only one with nobody.

****READ READ READ READ:DO NOT write i need to stop thinking about being popular and cool and a little girl that wants a boyfirend. i need a head start on high school. i need to no how to do it, not to stop dreaming. i believe i can do it, so dont say i cant. yeah i am in 6th grade WOOHOO

thx!!!Is there some way you can chage your school reputation by high school?
Wow.That's VERY sad.I'm a high school sophomore and let me tell you something: Most of the people you will meet in high school won't even remember you after 5 or 6 years after graduation...and by the time you do hit high school,most of the people that are in elementary school with you won't even remember it.Even if you were 'popular,'or what ever that is these days.You're about to hit middle school[[Sorry,but I had to say it,People that are going to be in high school with you are not going to give a d*mn about what happened in elementary unless they need to seriously grow up]] and high school is NOTHING like in the movies,it is the REAL DEAL.People just don't give a d*mn.TRUST ME.YES,people are going to talk about other people,but that's high school for you.Some people are stupid and ignorant,and just want to start drama just to get attention.And what in the world,people in school high school pretty much hang out with everyone.Doesn't matter if they are not the best looking or the smartest-Someone WILL talk to you.Anything can happen even in one day of high school.There will be bad days.There will be good ones.Is puberty for you...Something you've probably haven't started,but you'll see.About the dance,I'm not pretty sure if you can call it always the boys on one side and the girls on the other(Even if you have a date,but that WILL change when you get to high school...Now those you can call 'a dance')Anyways,just be yourself and you SHOULD be fine.Is there some way you can chage your school reputation by high school?
Just be more social and talk to everyone, including the popular people. If they ignore you, then **** them. You should not care what people think of you.
ok so i started high school this year, also wanting to change myself, but hen i realized that it is pointless to change yourself for other people.
l AGREE W/ OMGRia 100%
Be yourself!!!
What was the stupid thing that you did? I'm sure that guy will be over it by the time you reach high school.
who cares?

you go to school to learn honey...

...just wasted 5 minutes of my life reading that...
Make more friends. Start getting friendly with other girls. And then the girls will tell other girls how nice you are and then those girls might tell the boys.

Be nice to everyone. Talk to that popular kid one day. Apologize for whatever that really really stupid thing you did.

And if anyone still teases you about you and your weird hair, glasses and things just laugh it off. Say something like, ';I know! Oh my gosh I was such a dork back then'; and then laugh.

I use to have a reputation of a slut but now I don't %26amp; I got plently of guy and girl friends.
Theres really only one way to change your rep.

Be super sweet to everyone, judge no one. Dont gossip, dont lie, dont be a troublemaker, like everyone, and be a friend to whoever needs it.

People will grow to love your personality, and the guys will come around too.

Get involved with things, cheerleading would be fine. Dont do it as a popularity boost, do it because you are good at it. Be smart in school and continue to do your best.

If you try to be the best person you can be, the people around you will notice!

Good luck!
HELL YA YOU CAN CHANGE!!! i used to be the exact same whay , minus the harry potter glasses and curly red hair, i dont think that its bad for anybody to think about their image, i was a nobody till i was a freshman, it was always REALLY hard for me to go to school until i got into highschool, try to change your appearance, ok and this might sound bad but screw your grades for a while until you get how popular you want to be, that sounds bad but just dont get in the habbit of neglecting the important stuff!! some things you can do are ask your friends for advice on hair makeup, guys just things like that, and dude not to sound conceited but if you need help on how to be pretty you can ask me lol. just email me or something, i really want to help you cause i dont want anybody to go through what i did!!
seriously, when I was a senior in high school, I couldn't remember my 3rd grade teacher's name let alone some incident that happened with a boy. Your 12. Life happens. Move on, because trust me, everyone else probably has!
you're not the center of the think people have all these ideas about my perspective..and from the way you word it, i don't think they have any it good or bad...what i'm trying to say is .. this ';reputation'; you speak of, is'll realize it someday...
Try to be yourself and everything will fall into place, if that's who u are than every ones just got to deal with it. If u wanna be popular just be yourself and if u want a boyfriend then be yourself again, cause u don't wanna act like a snobby popular girl, and everyone thinking u act that way. so just be yourself.
First, Go to a beauty salon and then get your self something done which'll make you 10 times for hotter than you were, which will blow the guy's heads off.....Then go to or and read some nice jokes...memorize them and then go tell your friends......they'll be really amused.........Get some really nice glasses which will make you hotter than ever........well thats all i've got and i know this wasnt a really good answers but i gave my best shot.
well i dont know much about u or your life but i must say u need to stop worrying about yourself i mean seriously it is just a school dance who cares, it only matters if you are in your last year of middle school so stop being a baby by complaining. If you want friends you need to go up at their faces' and ten face them like you dotn care what they think or who they are. and i agree with you aunt go ahead slap them. i mean you will probably ONLY get a suspension.... no biggiee right?

=D good luck with finding friends.

or if you want wait till summer and change your entire look liek get contacts and change your taste in cloths or something. then on the first day of school surprise your friends with your brand new looks
im in 6th too, and i totally know what u mean. first, lets get ur groupie straight. do u really belong there, or r u just with them for friends?if ur just with them for friends, stop. my posy (the posy im in, no one really owns our posy)is considered popular and there is this girl who has started to sit w/ us at lunch. our posy consistes of about 10 girls. we sat there, staring at each other, not really sure wut to say. ';charolett'; a very talkitive, bubbly girl, would interupt any1 who talked by saying, stop, i like the silence(i know she kind of sounds emo, but she totally didnt say it like that). if that is u, i would recomend joing a book club, or after school sport, or drama club, etc. show people uv changed.

if they r really ur friends, ask them to talk to the boys. tell them to say (not with u in earshot), look i know (ur name) was UBER annoying in elementry school, but she's totally changed, i really think ud like her.give her a 2nd chance?
Get contacts. They'll get you looking better. You should just be yourself. You can't control you reputation or popularity. You'll find someone at the right time. That time just hasn't come yet.
alright to answer your question you need to explain wat u did, but if you want people to not hate you you got to do hang out with your friends and the friends of ur friends then u throw a party and invite all of them make sure it's good party then other people will start trying to be friend then you just a get a boyfriend and you change your rep really fast like that
I soooo used to have your problem. I tried to change myself so that I would be more popular and ended up almost losing me completely. I know you don't want to hear this but be yourself, and popularity doesn't matter, and most of all, keep all of the friends you have now, and don`t ditch them because they are not popular.
You're in ELEMENTARY SCHOOL. I know you told me not to say this, but regard that as disregarded. ELEMENTARY SCHOOL DOES NOT EFFECT HIGH SCHOOL! There will be loads of people who didn't know you then and don't know you now and probably won't know you in the future who will be in your high school. Labels can change easily, I've been through almost all of them. So get over that you're a dork, hide your low self-esteem, and make some friends.

P.S. People will think you're just as desperate as you are if you keep going on like this. I know I do.
Sorry it's too late for you... JK!!!! lol umm by the time high school comes around, third grade will be totally stupid and no one will remember me! Don't worry and just be yourself. don't change yourself for others.
OK listen here missy... ALOT can happen before you get into highscool. hell in one year alot can happen. do you get a choice of what highschool? or is there only one or two to be in?... honestly i was SOOO not school in middle school... i was a little goth kid who got kicked out of school... haha yes. but when i got into high school i wasnt so like that i was just ... i dont know normal. all the people from middle school barely talked to me but i was friends with all the older kids ... like the only 9th grader who hung out with 11th and 12th graders ... and all i did to help make myself known is introduce myself in line ups like waiting to register my locker and lunch time and just plain old boring stops. and then i introduced those people to others i met though out the month and BAM everyone knew me and i got different types of people to talk preps with geeks kinda thing... i didn't care and they always became friends! someone needs to be the ice breaker! and no one is willing to do it... just start getting really good at remembering names it will work out... and changing schools ALWAYS help as long as your clean cut and such.
omg same prob!

except im in sventh and peeps are nice to me but im kinda ignored.

because of girls that are such boring bookworm dorks that follow me areound everywhere! it makes me seem like one of them!

ive cried alot this year.

i hope its works out for u :]

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