Friday, August 20, 2010

What if you like one of your friends older brothers, and you have had such a crush on him, but then ...?

but then you have doubts about even thinking about even having a crush on him because you heard that he may be just a little c.r.a.z.y, but you hear something to confirm that little voice that has been nagging you, but you still kinda would like to atleast be friends.

The messed up part about is that when the first time you saw the person you never would think anything was wrong with them then the second time you seen the person you get to thinking '; hey i never noticed this about him and dang he looks cute and nice personality'; and then that's how the little crush developed then the third time you run into the person they are all flirting with you and stuff like that.

Even though you have that twinge in your gut that you still have a little crush before you started having doubts, people I need you opinions and answers on this one really, because it's so confusing.What if you like one of your friends older brothers, and you have had such a crush on him, but then ...?
Id say you should be careful about it you may wanna get to know him better to find out before you make a move

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