Friday, August 20, 2010

What is the best way to flirt with a girl if she is your best friend, (girls answer plz.)?

this girl i know has been my best friend for about 3-4 years. i've always had kind of a crush on her, but recently i've really started liking her. i think she likes another guy, but she hasn't told if she really likes him. she just tells me about what kind of stuff he does to her and laughs about it. she keeps doing things that i think i may be taking the wrong way, but i'm not sure. things like singing love songs to me, asking me to take pictures of her, making CD's that have a bunch of love songs on 'em and giving me them. stuff like that.

i want to tell her i like her, but i don't know how. and i don't want to screw up our friendship. that's already happened to me with two other girls, i don't want it to happen again with her. i need help here. what should i tell her and how?What is the best way to flirt with a girl if she is your best friend, (girls answer plz.)?
I really hope iam helping you with my answers and not confusing you even more cause that would be the last thing i would want to do. So, we know that you like her and I do think she likes you. The reason you think she likes another guys is odd.. i can explain it to you but it is kinda hard. The best way for me to say it that you would understnad is she is trying to show you something. She is probably trying to tell you that she likes you and she is just kinda using this other guy to show you that you guys would have a good relationship. The best way to tell her you like her is probably by asking a question. If you are really unsure and you do not know what to do then i would like i said, ask her if she has ever thought of your friendship as more then friends. that wya you are not saying you like like her but you are not saying you hate her either. You are simply just asking the question. If you do not want to say that, then the best way...well the only other way to show her you like her is to either tell her or flirt with her. If you dont want to ruin your friendship then TAKE IT SLOW and dont rush things. LET HER GET USED TO THE IDEA FIRST but by the looks of it she already is. Um, Some ideas to flirt with her are always to just compliment her on ANYTHING, if your at the movies, put your arm around her.. if she doesnt like it at all or doesnt feel comfortable with it she will let you know in her own way but i dont realy think she would. i think she wants it.. Look into her eyes! IT SHOWS HER YOU CARE! The most obvious way guys flirt with girls are by pickin on them or being mean to them.. like a few years ago i would always have this boy picking on me and i realized that he didnt hate me.. he actually wanted to ask me out and iam trying to tell you that THIS IS PROBABLY NOT THE BEST WAY BECAUSE YOU ARE PROBABLY GOING TO END UP HURTING HER FEELINGS.

HOPE I HELPED! (again) lol

NIce to talk to you again and let me kno if you need any more help!



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