Monday, August 16, 2010

Girls... how much attention do you give to your crush.?

Just wondering. Because I like this girl. And I dont know if she likes me back. She used to give me way more attention than she does now. She still gives me alot but not as much. I would imagine that she probably got mad cause I wouldnt make a move on her. And also how long will you like a guy but he didnt make any moves on you but he clearly flirts with you all the time. Because thats what I pretty much do. I flirt with her but I dont ask the question. This has been going on pretty much all year.Girls... how much attention do you give to your crush.?
she might feel the same way, she might think you guys are just friends... ask her out, like to a movie or something.. don't flirt too much or try too hard cus that will be annoying.. and don't put too much pressure on it either cus then it will be akward..

honestly, it seems like she may have liked you and thought u didn't like her back, or that you stopped liking her because you never made any moves.. and she is probably trying to make it look like she doesn't like you now.. i say go for it.. you only have one life.. and why not say everything you need to say, the only thing you can regret is not doing anything about this... the worst that can happen is she can turn you down, and you guys just stay friends... i know that sucks, but give it a shot!Girls... how much attention do you give to your crush.?
Well the whole reason for her change in attitude is you are not doing anything. See being a female and all if i like someone i make it incredibly obvious that i like them. If they show the same signs and i know they are not with anyone else i will ask. But if a guy is playing head games with me the whole time, then Yes my attitude changes fast and i start looking somewhere else. My advise to you is next time you see her talk to her and ask for her number or out to dinner something because otherwise she is gone. We only have so much patience!
Just enough to let them kno i'm into them and i want to hang out with them. But not too much to wear it seems like i wanna do it with them.

Can you answer my question please:鈥?/a>
Well i give 100% but if i feel like im buggin him i only give live 60-70% she might be a lil mad but idk if u have her phone or cell number call her or talk to her on yahoo or myspace or whatever show her you care about her and you don't want her to be upset

answer my question please;鈥?/a>
Stop being a pussy and ask her out before its too late.
Yeah its taking too long shes getting bored , most probably

plenty....... a lot of eye contact... buy him his favourite gifts................... favourite sports megazine which is hard to get in his country................. respect him ..look up to him.................... admire him him................... shower him with love.................always use the way he is using...............
dude just ask her out
as much as i can,

maybe she gave up cuz your too shy?!
pshh like 1111111111110000000% of my time... every time i think of a guy..thats him...%26lt;333 lol
not what you wanna hear probably, but here is what i think. my ';crush'; i actually don't give that much attention. dunno. but he has a gf and i dont see him that much anyway, so im not really going after him at the moment. but me not giving him attention is totally not expected from other ppl anyway since im kinda outgoing in general... so you probably cant really tell. if she backed off, it could be because she just likes the flirty but doesnt want it to go farther than that. or there could be another guy she flirts with to and she just likes it like that. there is something really important you have to understand. i even read an article on it. girls (often) flirt as a way of socializing. girls do not always flirt with the intention of getting a guy. a lot of girls just flirt because that is the way they talk and the way they interact with people. guys, on the other hand, pretty much only flirt intentionally. if guys flirt (generally), it has a purpose because they like the girl. this equals MISCOMMUNICATION. the guy is thinking ';What the heck? she is flirting but doesnt like me?'; and they get confused because guys flirt with more purpose than girls (in general). keep in mind, this isnt a rule for all guys and all girls (which is why i keep saying ';often'; and ';general'; but i even read an article on it (think it was time magazine?) so yeah. it isnt just BS haha. so good luck! i would keep that in mind with most girls. see if she is a flirt and flirts with other guys. if she does, she probably just likes talking with you but does not necessarily like you. maybe she backed off once she realized you liked her and she doesnt exactly feel the same way. dunno. if she is more outgoing this is probably the case. observe how she acts/acted with you compared to other guys. literally watch her: if she flips her hair, if she uses her hands, stands openly, laughs, etc. dont be a stalker! but when convenient, dont just watch blindly. make mental notes and compare. good luck!

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